Robert Pattinson to be present at the New York Screening of New Moon on November 19th

Los Ange­les might be get­ting the offi­cial “New Moon” pre­miere, but Gos­sip Cop can con­firm New York will host a spe­cial screen­ing of the sec­ond “Twi­light Saga” film before it hits theaters.
Will any peo­ple of inter­est be there? You might say so.
Robert Pat­tin­son, Kris­ten Stew­art, Tay­lor Laut­ner, Ash­ley Greene, Nikki Reed, and Kel­lan Lutz are all sched­uled to join direc­tor Chris Weitz on Thurs­day, Novem­ber 19 in Man­hat­tan for a pre­vi­ously unan­nounced screening.


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Obsessed, Addicted and Devoted to Rob.