New Moon Director Explains Why New Moon is Manly...

New Moon for men?

We already told you that Eclipse was going to be a lot more man-friendly than the first Twilight movie. But now director Chris Weitz is telling us that New Moon is going to be pretty manly too. Girls, alert the men in your lives!And it doesn't just have to do with the obvious (and unfortunate) lack of Robert Pattinson in the second movie, though that does play a big part in it. Now, New Moon director Chris Weitz is stepping forward to talk about why he thinks New Moon is a lot more guy-friendly than the first movie.Chris explains, "You've got the werewolves coming in... and the effects are going to be great on that part of the movie." Guys love special effects, right? Plus, we think a vicious werewolf is probably more appealing to a guy than a lovey-dovey vampire.But there's more! Chris also talks about fighting scenes, claiming that there's more of them in this second movie. And obviously guys love fighting! But maybe most important, and this has to do with Edward's absence, is that there's a lot of Taylor Latuner in the movie. No, your boyfriend might not be in love with a young hot guy with his shirt off much of the movie, but Chris has an explanation for why Jacob makes New Moon manly.

He says that Jacob "is inherently a more viable character for most boys because he's like an ordinary guy. He works on cars, whereas Edward is a perfect man, and maybe he only appeals to perfect men. That makes the demographic rather small! So there's more of a way into this one - we do hope to up the male demographic!"
That makes complete sense to us! Why would your guys want to watch a movie about a man you're in love wit who they can never live up to? But when they see you loving Jacob, they think that maybe they could be like Jacob too.


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