Robert Pattinson's Life Is Subject Of 'Robsessed' Documentary...

At the age of 23, are you too young to merit a documentary about your life and your impact on the world? Not, apparently, when you're Robert Pattinson. At least, that's what the makers of a new doc have decided.
Revolver Entertainment plans to release a documentary called "Robsessed," which the company claims will offer exclusive peeks into the star's life from his British boyhood and pre-"Twilight" career to the current mania surrounding him.
" 'Robsessed' offers an exclusive, insider's look into the world of RPattz, following his path from a young schoolboy, to his early modeling and acting jobs, all the way through to landing his dazzling role in the 'Twilight' saga," the description on Revolver's Web site says.
"Robsessed" isn't exactly the most original of titles — it's already the name of a fan site (with accompanying Twitter) and a photo-based Tumblr.
The documentary is timed for release on DVD on November 10, shortly before "New Moon," the second of the "Twilight" films, opens in theaters on the 20th. While Pattinson's character, Edward Cullen, is absent for large sections of the Stephenie Meyer book on which the second movie is based, the big-screen adaptation keeps RPattz front and center throughout. His fans wouldn't have it any other way.
"You'll see quite a lot of Rob in the film," "New Moon" director Chris Weitz told MTV News this summer. "I know for a lot of people there's no such thing as too much Rob."



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Obsessed, Addicted and Devoted to Rob.